Together we can make a real change

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Every signature counts!

Give us your support to help reducing the food waste that is still edible or reusable. We can help those who can't afford a daily meal.

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A Human Cause

Every sign is a step closer to our goal

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Made with Love

We feel the need to help those who can't afford a daily meal

About Us

No More Hunger began when we realized there was a massive problem in our community, being the number one problematic that we are faced to worldwide.

Starvation and hunger in the lowest social classes.

We are students from Tec de Monterrey with common goals and the idea of helping our community as much as we can.

Our main objective is to collect 10,000 signatures of people supporting this cause, seeking the improvement of a law that forces food establishments such as, supermarkets or any other business who trades food, to make a better separation of their food waste. It is known that there are a lot of still edible aliments that that become trash just because of not reaching the quality standards of the markets or restaurants.

What we are proposing is to obligate to those establishments to separate aliments that are still in conditions of being eaten and send them to an organization which will be in charge of give them to those families that can not afford a daily meal of healthy food.

Let's Get In Touch!

Have any question? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
